Monday, May 18, 2009

i remember hearing this when i was a really little kimmy and thinking i was really cool and needing to be really cool. it was during a time that would be the beginning of fashion disasters and playing in girl bands for me. when i think about it i've been in some form of a band for most of my life. it started in middle school with katie, jess and i on clarinet, flute, and cello (we had to start somewhere) and we went from there to electric guitars and liz on drums and then lara's appearance into my life later in highschool. then steve came into play and katie, jess and liz were all far off at schools. steve went away to turn into a tool bag leaving lara and i to turn 21 and become drunken bar singers. i made a series of bad choices and lara and i divorced and for the first time in forever i am doing nothing musically. i hate it.

the celtics lost last night ending serie 2 and ending the playoffs and ruining everything for my little heart. i seriously cried. i have fallen ill so my whimpers were probably mainly from being a baby. but i was bummed. josh held me as my snotty nose and i went to sleep and told me theres always next year.

im going to make vegetable soup and not be sick anymore.


Liz said...

It's really funny that you mentioned our band years because lately I've been remembering a lot of that. It's odd, maybe our brain waves are colliding - ha!

I hope you get back into the swing of things, musically speaking. And I hope to God you've burned that monkey video! :p

kimjong said...

ahahaha actually i CANT find it anywhere!! i always had it hidden in the same place but then i moved out of my old room and now...i dont know. yikes!!