Wednesday, April 8, 2009

so long!

chiropractor visit is in store for me today. my back has been ruined for months (which i think can be linked back to a yogalates pose done wrong) and i just now decided it would be good to get it looked at. hopefully they can snap me back in shape. i feel like an old lady. i mean i love old ladies i just am not ready to be one. besides, field day is this sunday and i need to be all that i can be!
i am excited to play photography games with sarah reece. when i bought my camera i never wanted to be a photographer and i still don't but after getting booked for small gigs and actually getting a bit of recognition for my silly shots i'm enjoying it. i would like a better camera for sure but that won't come for a while. too many up and coming expenses. but a kid who took all my money told me once that the camera wasn't as important as who was taking the picture.
i think julia left the country. i hope i get a postcard. i hope i don't see her on the today show. unless shes holding a sign up saying "Hi KIMMY!" because that might really be awesome.
i watched "elegy" recently. loved it. penelope cruz is my favorite. i mean i'm typing this at 5am thinking i have awesome hair but shes got locks to diiiie for.
i used to use way too much hairspray.
what is kumar doing in the white house now?
i get it.
i am sad that school isnt till july. july! ug. i guess that isn't too far. but i am excited. i think about it everyday. i get to wear scrubs and i'm ready to make more money.
every night i fall asleep next to josh and wake up when he goes to work. i had a dream that i was chugging glasses of iced tea and each glass was topped with the topper to a bread bowl. disgusting. i thought for sure at the time i was going to chug a glass of anything immediately when i woke up. but no. i didn't. i don't want anything. at all.

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