Saturday, March 15, 2008

tearin up my heart and soul

joie and i have returned home safely from our florida adventure. i do think we should have stayed longer now. i really enjoyed florida. i loved the warmth, the old people, and even the touristy of tourist attractions that i place myself with (ooooh the burning convictions of anthony bourdain!! i know i know..)everything seemed to be the worldest biggest of greatest something down there. i liked that feeling. i always thought things were bigger in texas though?
joie and i getting to ride the star wars ride at mgm, dancing way too hard to michael jackson and then our tag team hurling night in downtown disney were probably my favorite parts of the whole trip. was it the alfredo that did it? or the fast gin drinking i tend to do? im gonna put the blaim on nelly furtado because once she started singing i started vomin. love ya nel.
i miss my tripod of lust action. ive been out of the loop and i feel like the cosmos are doing twisted twisted things to my world. chill out cosmos! im trying to haaang. really...this happens every so often but im really not digging on the whole world turning upside down on me. i know everyone goes through it so im trying not to complain. so i'll have someone else do it for me.
every bit of my emotions as of returning to va can be summed up with one nsync song.
hit it, boys

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