the past few mornings when ive arrived home from josh's ive been greeted at the door by the same spider cricket. i think thats what they're called. kangaroo crickets? i'm not sure. the jumping devil cricket. it stands its ground and is not threatened by any threat i make with a shoe, my screams, my towering height above it!...those things haven't been scared of anything since i first encountered them back when we had band practice in katie's garage everyday. so anyway, everytime i try to get into my house the cricket does too and leaps towards me as if to steal my keys, unlock the door, enter, and lock me out in the cold. its terrifying! terrifying...
i beat "streets of rage" with jimmy. i rule.
i continue to get better at self control. if you know me well you know i've struggled in the past with that in many different ways to struggle with it.
pancakes have become my favorite food.
I feel like a toolbag. I was kind of "wasted" at the Superbowl party and I barely talked to you! Plus there were a lot of weird people there I didn't know which generally adds to my social anxiety... ughhh.
Your man likes sports; my man likes sports! Next time there are game type things you and Josh should come out to Norfolk to watch the game at the apt, and you and I can have a photo shoot! I know bball season is right around the corner, and I'm pretty sure I've heard both of them talking about the Celtics. Paul Pierce 4eva!
PS, you photos are so crisp and awesome! I love them!
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