"the sea seems to yell to me GO TO YOUR DESIRE DONT HANG AROUND HERE--for after all the sea must be like god, god isnt asking us to mope and suffer and sit by the sea in the cold at midnight for the sake of writing down useless sounds, he gave us the tools of self reliance after all to make it straight thru bad life mortality towards paradise maybe i hope--but some miserables like me dont even know it, when it comes to us we're amazed--ah,life is a gate, a way, a path to paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and laugh...but i ran away from that seashore and never came back again without that secret knowledge: that it didnt want me there, that i was a fool to sit there in the first place, the sea has its waves, the man has his fireside, period." big sur.
katie keeps posting these old pics and i just dont feel as cool as i used to be.
we were lovely librarians.

i had a dream last night that kevin franklin, anthony bourdain and i were floating down some river in some country and came across a little shack with a very large native living inside. we sat and talked with him about "tailspin" and asked the best route to india. the big man was selling very expensive hair products out of that little shack on the river. that was a very good dream.
1 comment:
Being on stage and in front of people always seems to add to the "coolness" factor. It makes a person feel important and recognizable, I suppose.
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