the blood drive came to the mall yesterday and i just HAD to go donate. my blood is high in iron and that is good news to me. i was very concerned for a while that i may be anemic since i feel i don't always get all the nutrients i need. i win. they gave me a hat and some pretzels cha ching!
after work i watched the final series one playoff game and luckily the celtics won. wahoo! on to series two against the magic and my brains and insides can explode a little more in suspense!
who knew i'd learn to really like basketball. when josh and first started dating i told him that i really only noticed the different colors during a game and i couldn't focus at all. but i think the purchase of a really cool garnett jersey inspired me to get into it. i just think its a lot of fun. wish i had long legs. i'm going to give birth to an nba player.
when josh and i woke up this morning we immediately drove to the beach. i forgot my camera. big mistake. i watched a seagull eat something i don't think seagulls or humans should eat. not sure what it was. i just know it wasn't edible. i'm pretty sure that seagulls gonna die. we had a perfect morning though lounging and splashing. the water is still too cold to really be happy about. i washed my hair three times and i'm still sandier than ever.
its getting dark outside now and the rains coming down and i miss julia. when you off next, girl? gonna see ryan tomorrow. pretty pumped! nothing left to say. i wish i would've taken pictures of something cool. eh.