my body continues its pain tour 09 and it was the worst ever last night.
i have lots of meds to take and i cant wait till i'm no longer a pill popping freak.
i want to be able to stand and walk for longer periods of time before crashing down.
i'm saying this has been going on for weeks and i'm over it.
another doctors visit in a week and im hoping that will be my last check up.
enough complaining, i bought this last night for 7 bucks:
i mean come onnnnn. its going to be great!
valentines day is approaching and im very excited. its the first one for joshua and i together. its going to be the best.
id really like a new lens for my camera. i've been saying that for a while now. someday when i have all the money on the planet i will get two new lenses and everyone will want their photo taken by me.
julia. in my absence from life she continues to communicate. i think that is what makes the two of us cosmic friends. because no matter how long its been since physical contact i know i can always hit her up for a talk. i have a couple people like that. they're great.
now off to work.