Wednesday, July 30, 2008
at midnight, all the agents and superhuman crew, go out and round up everyone who know more than they do.
i sat in my brother's room and read "watchmen" to pass the time while my brother played "world of warcraft" and john (successfully!) installed a brand new hard drive into my computer. nerd city, usa.
but! "watchmen" is the shiiiii. im excited for the movie because from what ive seen in the trailer it matches up just right to the graphic novel.
i feel unsure about my excitement though after reading that writer, alan moore (v for vendetta), did not want this movie to be made.
"watchment" was written in the 80s just like v for vendetta and the events that were going on then are going on now. so im just waiting for movie go-ers to say its ooohhh so controversial.
anyway, i liked it.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i found in my inbox this morning the best idea ever from katie
"I vote that we go start that farm soon. We'll have a wooden table in the middle of a meadow where we'll eat all of our meals together. We'll comb our bunnies and llamas and make their extra hair into special sweaters. We'll eat chicken eggs for protein and grow all of our own vegetables. We'll hug cows and borrow their milk. We'll make Chris mow the lawn. We'll go somewhere that is safe in the country, though, not with crazies like Farmville or Nilbog. It'll be the last place that would ever get hit with an atomic bomb. No zombies. No people raising from the dead. No stupid people being stupid. Just good vibrations."
best idea in town.
"I vote that we go start that farm soon. We'll have a wooden table in the middle of a meadow where we'll eat all of our meals together. We'll comb our bunnies and llamas and make their extra hair into special sweaters. We'll eat chicken eggs for protein and grow all of our own vegetables. We'll hug cows and borrow their milk. We'll make Chris mow the lawn. We'll go somewhere that is safe in the country, though, not with crazies like Farmville or Nilbog. It'll be the last place that would ever get hit with an atomic bomb. No zombies. No people raising from the dead. No stupid people being stupid. Just good vibrations."
best idea in town.
Sunday, July 27, 2008

robbie said these would make me into a different person.
pretty sure that happened.
i dont get it either.
although it is my favorite number, i hate that today is the 27th.
i thought jungle juice would make me ape wild. all it did was make me think think think about nothing important at all. i watched an orange cat in someones front yard alone for maybe twenty minutes last night. i talked to a boy from years ago who i thought was quiet, studious, and sort of unapproachable. he told me how he was going to med school and of all his success at uva...but then i saw him shouting at girls to show their "titties" and telling us all about "road head". i spent a lot of time alone infront of a kid from highschools house with my cup of jungle juice. i wasnt bummed or upset about anything. i dont know. ive gotten numb to a lot of things. i no longer think about things that happened last year. i no longer see a blog or myspace page that gets me upset. when i think about it i think some people around me i can compare to how i feel about abstract art. its bs and i dont think anything of it.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
i cannot wait to see "vicky cristina barcelona". i need my woody allen fix soon.
robby told me last night that i successfully created penelope cruz hair.
that meant a lot from his lips.
my dad said yesterday, "hair can never be too big."
thats my pops!

btw, im obsessed with her hair today...and blake lively. thick locks get me all happy inside. im ridiculous. sorry.
sara came home last night. i loved every second of it.
multi-grain cheerios are incredible.
robby told me last night that i successfully created penelope cruz hair.
that meant a lot from his lips.
my dad said yesterday, "hair can never be too big."
thats my pops!
btw, im obsessed with her hair today...and blake lively. thick locks get me all happy inside. im ridiculous. sorry.
sara came home last night. i loved every second of it.
multi-grain cheerios are incredible.
Friday, July 25, 2008
last night
i had a dream that i was in an office for barack obama waiting to speak with him. i kept having to go to the bathroom/leave the room and so everytime id get back into the office someone else took my spot in line to meet him. john got ahead of me and i was pissed. so when it was finally my turn i woke up. i met barack obama in a dream once though. i met him at harvest of all places. still the best person i have ever talked to in a dream was george lucas. that one was too vivid and powerful. anyway, for those who dont something,k? fight the smears.
rachel, kelly, tommy, brian, josh p., josh g., john boy, kristin, mylee the dog and i all rode bikes last night all around the world! we had good jams pumping out of my basket and i only got one bug bite. mazal!
the x-files movie came out today. i feel like i need to see it but i feel like its going to be horrible. i probably will never view it. oh well.
rachel, kelly, tommy, brian, josh p., josh g., john boy, kristin, mylee the dog and i all rode bikes last night all around the world! we had good jams pumping out of my basket and i only got one bug bite. mazal!
the x-files movie came out today. i feel like i need to see it but i feel like its going to be horrible. i probably will never view it. oh well.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
i really like what mary-kates hair has been looking like lately. it really doesnt matter but i get so excited about hair. i really do wish i had the desire to be a stylist. i have a strong appreciation for the art but i think i would totally suck at actually cutting.
this post means nothing. enjoy the pic...and treaxy's tecktonik lesson. thanks rachel. looove.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
i really like my boyfriend.
i dont want sara and the kids to move away.
i was there the day each kid was born and i wanna be able to watch them grow up.
sara has always been so important to me. she protected me and stood up for me in high school. the lady has protected me and stood up for me even still to this day. i love her and im going to be making many trips to maryland as well as richmond in the upcoming years. sigh.
i dont want sara and the kids to move away.
i was there the day each kid was born and i wanna be able to watch them grow up.
sara has always been so important to me. she protected me and stood up for me in high school. the lady has protected me and stood up for me even still to this day. i love her and im going to be making many trips to maryland as well as richmond in the upcoming years. sigh.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
im sick of fathers who think it is a-okay to just up and leave their families. sick of it! thems the bitches that need a good choppin is what im saying!
i get to see the dark knight tonight at midnight. im so excited i could vom all over myself and anyone in close distance. i remember john patrick giving me a batman comic called "hush" a while back and falling in love with the caped crusader. my heart swooned. seriously i wouldve danced with the devil in the pale moonlight or anything to the tune of the batman theme...and i do mean the danny elfman score...because i like that a lot. then came "the dark knight returns" which is the best thing i have ever read to this date. so i thank john patrick. i should vom on him tonight.
i get to see the dark knight tonight at midnight. im so excited i could vom all over myself and anyone in close distance. i remember john patrick giving me a batman comic called "hush" a while back and falling in love with the caped crusader. my heart swooned. seriously i wouldve danced with the devil in the pale moonlight or anything to the tune of the batman theme...and i do mean the danny elfman score...because i like that a lot. then came "the dark knight returns" which is the best thing i have ever read to this date. so i thank john patrick. i should vom on him tonight.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
the brew crew trip was awesome.
i got asked, "what is the brew crew?" a lot.
umm..we like to party?? duh.
ive been having a good time. ive been feeling really happy.
for the first time in a long time john and i are incredible and its all because i stopped acting like a moron.
ive been able to eat ramen noodles again because johnam bought me vegetarian bouillon cubes.
bourdain is back on tv.
im about to go to the beach.
so ive been feeling great but one of my best friends is having her entire life shoryukened into a big KO. i hate it.
i want to take karate again so i can chop bitches.
i got asked, "what is the brew crew?" a lot.
umm..we like to party?? duh.
ive been having a good time. ive been feeling really happy.
for the first time in a long time john and i are incredible and its all because i stopped acting like a moron.
ive been able to eat ramen noodles again because johnam bought me vegetarian bouillon cubes.
bourdain is back on tv.
im about to go to the beach.
so ive been feeling great but one of my best friends is having her entire life shoryukened into a big KO. i hate it.
i want to take karate again so i can chop bitches.
Monday, July 14, 2008
so long, sweet lime.
team 'this aint france' (the name of which im not sure if we are officially allowed to use) rode all over town until midnight last night. i had brian's ipod dock in my basket which made me feel like we were part of a wes anderson movie. i liked that a lot.
i love bike riding.
i need to learn how to look over my left shoulder without turning the whole bike into the road.
i was at the beach all day. i learned how to do underwater tricks. i was scared.
i drank 50 cent gimlets. they were nasty gimlets. they were 50 cents.
sarahjane found a baby bunny. sarahjane's cat brought her the baby bunny.
john and i have fandangoed our dark knight tickets for midnight on thursday. we are awesome.
the brew crew annual kings dominion trip is this tuesday. too happy.
i wish my mom didnt destroy my point and shoot camera.
im going to work.
i love bike riding.
i need to learn how to look over my left shoulder without turning the whole bike into the road.
i was at the beach all day. i learned how to do underwater tricks. i was scared.
i drank 50 cent gimlets. they were nasty gimlets. they were 50 cents.
sarahjane found a baby bunny. sarahjane's cat brought her the baby bunny.
john and i have fandangoed our dark knight tickets for midnight on thursday. we are awesome.
the brew crew annual kings dominion trip is this tuesday. too happy.
i wish my mom didnt destroy my point and shoot camera.
im going to work.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
ive heard about this for a while but im still trying to figure out if im okay with this or not
now its only rumored but...a live action "akira" movie?? with my dearest joseph gordon-levitt as tetsuo?

i remember seeing akira when i was 10 or so and being extremely scared. i remember watching "brick" a few years back and falling madly inlove with mr.joseph. i guess we'll just have to see how this works out.
now its only rumored but...a live action "akira" movie?? with my dearest joseph gordon-levitt as tetsuo?

i remember seeing akira when i was 10 or so and being extremely scared. i remember watching "brick" a few years back and falling madly inlove with mr.joseph. i guess we'll just have to see how this works out.
id like to start with a quote
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."- Albert Einstein
thanks, al
i had a dream that heath ledger moved into my neighborhood and we quickly became best buds. we went to the beach together and had a lot of fun but in the back of my mind i was always sad because i knew he was going to die at some point. and then he did. his house flooded. just his house. i woke up really wanting a heath ledger tribute tattoo. john says i should just get the joker. really though, i think its rachels new whale tattoo thats really got me wanting to go under the needle again.
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."- Albert Einstein
thanks, al
i had a dream that heath ledger moved into my neighborhood and we quickly became best buds. we went to the beach together and had a lot of fun but in the back of my mind i was always sad because i knew he was going to die at some point. and then he did. his house flooded. just his house. i woke up really wanting a heath ledger tribute tattoo. john says i should just get the joker. really though, i think its rachels new whale tattoo thats really got me wanting to go under the needle again.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
everything i said id blog about
the biking stories continue as i keep finding more things to put inside my basket! we rode to the yellow store ( a trek that shouldve been done in my earlier living days had i actually had a bike of my own) to purchase beer. i didnt even really want it but i knew it would fit in my basket so i bought it. john,sj,and i drank beers on her porch in the smoke. it was grand.
it was confirmed today that me blowing my nose is very much trex like.
check it
also i dont support barack obama just because he is on urban outfitter tees. for the record. although if the tee fits...
i cant wait till he is our leader and kills us all!!right?right?RIGHTTT???!! sarcasm by the way!
happy 4th.
it was confirmed today that me blowing my nose is very much trex like.
check it
also i dont support barack obama just because he is on urban outfitter tees. for the record. although if the tee fits...
i cant wait till he is our leader and kills us all!!right?right?RIGHTTT???!! sarcasm by the way!
happy 4th.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
forza napoli!!
im home.
its weird coming from nyc/jersey back to great bridge..and great bridge is the town that i cant breathe in?
i bought a sweater with chickens on it from anthropologie. who wears a sweater with chickens? its great.
i saw chickens crammed into a truck on the drive home. i love my sweater. i didnt love that chicken truck.
so my dads cousin tony and his wife marie celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on sunday. i was kissed by many italian relatives that i havent seen since i was 10 or even younger and spoken to in a language i wish i understood a lot better. i ate and ate and the words "vienese table" made my heart swoon. ah...pastries and the was good to be back...and it was even better to finally be called faccia bella rather than, "faccia brut!"
my work there is done but they expect me to get married soon so...yeah.nope.
im doing laundry
all i want to do is ride my bike...
the new season of "no reservations" starts monday. that really deserves its own post.
ciao guy ciao.
its weird coming from nyc/jersey back to great bridge..and great bridge is the town that i cant breathe in?
i bought a sweater with chickens on it from anthropologie. who wears a sweater with chickens? its great.
i saw chickens crammed into a truck on the drive home. i love my sweater. i didnt love that chicken truck.
so my dads cousin tony and his wife marie celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on sunday. i was kissed by many italian relatives that i havent seen since i was 10 or even younger and spoken to in a language i wish i understood a lot better. i ate and ate and the words "vienese table" made my heart swoon. ah...pastries and the was good to be back...and it was even better to finally be called faccia bella rather than, "faccia brut!"
my work there is done but they expect me to get married soon so...yeah.nope.
im doing laundry
all i want to do is ride my bike...
the new season of "no reservations" starts monday. that really deserves its own post.
ciao guy ciao.
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