here i am. sitting in my new apartment in west ghent. my neighborhood is entirely too cute and i'm enjoying it very much.
we moved in on saturday when i got done with class. its slowly coming together with furniture and decor but i have a lot of belief in this little place.
living with josh has been similar to our life before considering i had been with him every day this past year anyway. but it is new and fun as well. we fix each other lunches for work and kiss goodbye as we go off for our days. speaking of a year josh and i will have been dating for a full on year next week! we win. so much has changed over this year its sort of scary. i remember josh and i talking back and forth while he was in arkansas for work getting to know each other and i remember him leaving arkansas three months early to come home and really get to know me. hes absolutely wonderful.
last night we walked down to red dog to meet up with lara and richard and ran into our neighbor sarahjane during the process and nick and kristin. i love how that works. i mixed my wines and beers and definitely felt no good this morning but i press on.
i have class today. its my final class before my actual finals which is the final class until i take cpr certification and radiology certification classes and finish all of this madness. three months of schooling went by really really fast. and there went the summer!
im excited for autumn for once in my whole life.